Thursday, March 28, 2013

Life with Hounds & Toddlers

Clairana thought Dharma was very tired last night so after I got Nephi to bed I came out to this....better yet Dharma actually stayed there and fell asleep. Can you tell Levi is not home this week?

Pictures of the house to come soon! Crazy final steps to be in by the weekend.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

1st Project - Floors



It is hard to believe she is going to be THREE soon. Crazy. She has quite the personality, she does so many things just like I do. Her new favorite thing to do is the dishes and wipe down the kitchen table.
 I can't wait to move into our house so we can enjoy being outside in the garden or mowing the grass or running in the woods. April 1st is the official have to be completely out of the apartment date!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Today is the DAY!


Levi has interviewed several times for the General Project Manager Position at Purdue University.
Today in about 30 minutes he will begin a 4 hour interview which is the FINAL round.
We took this picture to put as his last slide in the final hour which is a PowerPoint Open Hall presentation.

Stay Tune....

Monday, March 11, 2013

It's Official - HOUSE

We Bought a House!

We will be moving to a beautiful house on the river and 2 acres in West Lafayette.
We are overly excited to have a place of our own again and enjoy being outside.
Pictures to come soon ... we are currently tearing up carpet and painting!