Monday, September 24, 2012

My Office

Here is my new office, I am on the 7th floor of the Young Bldg.

My official title is NSF (National Science Foundation) Account Manager, Sponsored Program Services

And of Course the most important - decorations!
Every girl needs a high heel tape dispenser!

Sunday, September 23, 2012


So this is the best picture I could get last Monday at 6:00 in the morning.
Although Clairana seemed really excited about her first day of SCHOOL....which I had been saying for days until I realized that she thought I was saying POOL and was yeah I am going to say it PISSED that we were not going swimming.


No sink stop so we are washing well I thought dishes in a bowl but Clair thought her feet.....mmmhh moving with babies is SO much harder.

Over the past almost year, we have moved from our little cabin in Washington...(sad face enter here)
to Terri and Destry's property in the fifth wheel
to Terri and Destry's house
to my parents house in Indiana.....and now our own apartment.

It has been really nice actually getting to know not only my parents but Levi's as well and I will miss that. Morning rush well at least for the men and enjoying my days with Terri as she would be so sweet and helpful while I adjusted to having two babies. TO ... Dinner every night with my parents and Clairana learning how to hold hands and say the dinner prayer.

But we are also thrilled to have our own place....and Mr. Nephi gets to have his own room for the first time. I cannot wait to decorate his room!

We decided that our best option would be to move back over to campus seems both Levi and I are both working for Purdue now and the kid's daycare is over here as well. So, nothing like moving back into the same place you were in college - Williamsburg on the Wabash. At least for a year till we figure out where/what to build or you know we end up pregnant again...... haha... just kidding.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Last week as a Stay at Home Mom

This week has flown by...
On Monday, we got to watch Mr. Liam (Dustin's son)

The weather has been SO nice we actually have been hitting up the parks all week.
 I am really excited about what is to come but I will also be very sad to leave these two faces on Monday.
We are also MOVING into our own place this week which has made the last week really fly by because I try and go to the apartment at least once a day with the kids.
We will now be at Williamsburg on the Wabash.
We lived in this apartment complex when we were in college and thought we might as well go back while we decide where/when to build our house and it is a mile from my work/Levi's work/daycare/preschool sooo we thought it would be perfect for a year or two.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Nephi - 9 mths

I see you!!!
Where has our baby gone?
This little guy is growing up and almost crawling. He has two teeth, loves to eat out of pouches but no baby food jars or not really any solids - does not enjoy texture.
He is always smiling with his level smile and pretty quiet.
 He does enjoy sleeping in our bed at night (naps in crib) and wakes up about one or two times a night.
He moves his arms and legs all over the place when he gets excited and hums when he is tired - actually the same sound that Clair used to make.
Favorite Food - Squash
Least Favorite Food - Fruit
As of today, he is no longer breastfed but has switched to formula, kind of a sad day but between him eating more food and those two sharp teeth it was meant to be.
Loves his sister no matter what she is doing to him as long as he is getting her attention.

Sunday Dress

Here we are on Sunday minus the little man who fell asleep before the matching blue and yellow photoshoot.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

2nd Cousin Madi w Mr. Neph

This is my cousin Madi and Nephi enjoying some good old family time at Grandma Wallace's house on Labor Day. We are several years apart as she is a freshman at McCutcheon this year. After leaving the family get together, Levi and I were both commenting on how much she has grown since we left Indiana and how beautiful and smart she is. Love You Madi!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Uncle Nick aka Haus

This picture is rather dark but I had to post, Uncle Nick with Clair. Now my baby brother has been called Haus meaning he is not the tiniest one in our family.
Now with this wonderful swingset Levi built you have to go through the tunnel without turning being able to turn around. Right after this picture, Clair went through the tunnel down the stairs and held her hands up saying "Uncle Nick Come On I Catch You" as he went down backwards and upside down....yep I think it will be the last time he goes in the tunnel.

Friday, September 7, 2012

New Kicks

Thanks to Aunt Woody - Ms. Clairana now has Camo Shoes - I am sure she will want to wear these on Sunday to church. She LOVES them!

Thursday, September 6, 2012



NO We Are NOT Expecting!

About a month ago, I was having a guilt filled day at home because it seemed as though Clairana was bored with me and Nephi was fussing all day....So I sat everyone down to watch a movie and I vedged out online. While online, I thought I would just look at the Purdue employment page.... I found a position for an Account Manager for National Science Foundation Grants. (NSF Grants) Which is kinda humorous because my whole banking career I have know NSF to be Non Sufficient. Funds...anyways...  It was a full time position that I met the requirements for but I knew that getting on a Purdue was very difficult as we had learned from who Levi had to 'beat out' to get his position.

But I did it anyways, I submitted my resume thinking if it was meant to happen it would.

I didn't say anything to anyone maybe because I felt guilt for applying or maybe I didn't want to have to reevaluate after I didn't get the position. Or I didn't want to be judge for not wanting to be home all day anymore? Or did I really want to go back to work? Tons of emotions.

I got a call for a interview, I told Levi who then told my mom, so the word was out.

Felt really good about my interview but I also thought it was a great way to practice interviewing because I had not done that in six years.

Got a second interview. Felt like it was okay. Then I got word they were checking my references - THANK YOU to my references.

I got the job. OOh boy. So now we are looking at how nice it will be to pay off our trip out here and get our own place - seems our house did not sell this summer. So, we interviewed a few different childcare places and decided to go with Kidz Company which is 1.5 miles from Levi's work and 1.2 miles from my work....Yes, Mr. Evans and I will be working one block from eachother so we can still remain with one vehicle which is awesome and maybe have a lunch date every once in awhile.

So, September 17th is the big first day....for our whole family. First day for Clairana to be in Pre Preschool and First day for Nephi to be in daycare (same place different room) and Levi to get up with the whole family and not just alone and me .... first day back to work - full time.

I must say it is rather corny that we both work for the same company, but oh well.

We will see.

1st Trip To Urgent Care

What more could a family ask for on a long weekend together than a trip to Urgent Care.

Ms. Clairana and Levi were playing around and well in the end Clairana ended up with a Nursemaid Elbow. Meaning, her elbow was popped out of place.

Urgent Care trip on Saturday morning.

Waiting on the results from the x-rays, still saying Cheese!

This is pretty much what she looked like all weekend.
She is feeling much better now and it is a little tender but back to playing.