Thursday, May 31, 2012

Clair in the Kitchen

Can you see that adorable handprint!

She is helping me cook dinner and then of course we had to bake cookies!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Video - Nephi w Spinach

Could it have possibly worked??!! For some reason I never can get a video to upload. Any tricks from other bloggers out there?

Well, if it did work this is Mr. Nephi eating Spinach!

Nephi Catch Up

It is hard to believe that he is almost SIX months old.
He now rolls over as soon as you put him on his belly - which he does not enjoy.
He is still nursing but we have started to try out some foods,
Levi has been over zealous about letting him try everything.
For instance, last night for dinner we had a roast and well Nephi got to try a potato and a carrot.
He still is not a fan of sleeping at night, we are up about every three hours still - I swear I am requesting a sleeper next time!  

He already has a better tan than the rest of the family and he barely goes in the sun! Must get his skin from Levi....Poor Clairana

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sunny Indiana

I bought these sunglasses for her about.....a year ago and now she LOVES to wear them. Oh and now she actually says CHEESE - love those little teeth!

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Bond is Starting

They are really starting to interact which is great because it gives me a reason to get something done and it is great to see their friendship forming.
Here Nephi is nicely pulling his sister's hair, she just loves the attention.

Nephi's little feet - I can't believe he is already five months old!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Purdue University

We are a house of Boilermakers again....
Levi started working for Purdue this week as their Project Manager.
We feel SO very blessed that he was chosen for this position.
On that note, we will be putting the business on hold for the time least untill we are completely settled here in Indiana.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Columbian Park

We have been enjoying the last few weeks before Levi heads off to work again - 
we headed out to our local park - Columbian Park for a day in the sunshine. 
It has really changed since we were little and is a very nice little park. 

Butterfly Princess

Daddy, Clair, and the Frog

Nephi, Mama, and of course the Monkeys

Petting Zoo

Monday, May 7, 2012

Dinner Time

Here you can see Clairana was enjoying being the Big Sister and feeding Mr. Nephi.
He is still eating rice cereal and it definitely makes a mess when a two year old is feeding the baby. 

Special Gift

See his heart shaped tongue and his adorable shirt from our one and only doula - Erin.