Wednesday, February 15, 2012

First Official Haircut

She got her first professional haircut - a little bob! 
Thanks Jana we are going to miss you!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2 months old!

Wonder what he is thinking?? 
He is starting to talk to us which is so precious. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Pilot Evans

Levi has been working on a job for Boeing and got to go up in one of their historical planes, don't really remember all the details but just how adorable he looks in this picture!

Love this Man!

Fallen Completely In Love

I just want to eat him up! Crazy how when they say your heart just gets bigger and bigger with an additional baby - it does! 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bowling Night Out

We decided to drag out the Schmitt family (Ray, Andee, and Boston) to come bowling! We are sure going to miss them!

Clairana ran right over the arcade and decided that driving a car was much more fun than bowling.

She even used the gear shift without being shown, crazy how fast they pick up on things - toddlers really are sponges!

Here is Boston and Clair on our walk earlier in the day, Boston is six months younger than Clair.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Picture Catch Up

Here is my handsome husband as we are unloading for our date on Baker last weekend.

Cupcake Kisses - we have a place that does amazing cupcakes called Katie's cupcakes which Clair and I surprised Levi and brought them home from our walk by the water.

Clairana has decided that she cannot say Grammy very well so we tried MiMi and it is a hit, although now she says it all the time! So, Destry's nickname has become Joe Joe and Terri's is MiMi.
Nephi is either Fi or My Baby.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to one of my baby brothers - Nick! We have grown very close over the past few years and 
I am very thankful for our bond. 
Love you Mess! 

Mr. Nephi - 2 Month Checkup

Here is Mr. Nephi! We went for his 2 month appointment yesterday and here are the results:

12 lbs 15 oz - 75%
24 3/4 - 95%
41 cm - 75%

Poor little guy got his first round of vaccinations and was feeling pretty bad last night, hopefully today will be better. He is growing like a weed and doing great. We did find out that he has eczema, as of right now I am changing my diet, giving him Vaseline baths, and 100% cotton everything. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Date Day on Baker

Thanks to the Jensen family for watching Clairana and Nephi we got to head up the mountain for a day date before leaving this beautiful place.
The day was gorgeous - sunny and 60s without any falls....well Levi did have one fall off the lift. 
(Yes, I have to throw him under the bus as he did teach me how to ski and snowboard) 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Our little....

Drama Queen - I LOVE this picture, it shows her personality so well! We were playing dress up and she decided to put this skirt on her head .... much more appropriate.

Pudding Treat

Grammy's treat - Pudding Popsicle!