Thursday, December 29, 2011


We actually made it to see Santa!

We made our first family trip out the Saturday the 17th (I know a little late for this post - I have been pretty busy) to Fairhaven where they had horse and carriage rides and of course Santa.

As you can see Clairana loved him and Nephi slept the whole time.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Welcome to the World Nephi

This past Saturday, December 10th Nephi decided the lunar eclipse/full moon would be a great time to arrive. Contractions started about 6:45 on Friday evening and we decided to labor at home until 6:00 Saturday morning. We then called our midwives and doula to have them meet us at Bellingham Birthing Center.

After being checked we had progressed to 5 cm and my water had not broke - which is different than Clair's labor as her water broke before labor started.

Continuing to labor at the birthing center until 10:26 AM when Nephi decided it was his time to arrive. When he was crowning the midwives noticed that he had the cord around his neck and was being born with his hand up by his face. He then got his shoulders stuck during the process making the last minutes of labor very scary for everyone. With lots of tugging and pulling he arrived being caught by the one and only Levi.

9 lbs 4 oz - CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! Almost three lbs larger than Clairana.
22 inches long

Once we had relaxed for about an hour at the birthing center they decided I need some attention due to his delivery and size. We were then transferred to the hospital as it was too serious of a tear - stage 4 (which is the highest degree)

Once at the hospital, Teri stayed with Nephi and Levi went back with me to the operating room. I ended up being repaired without success again in the hospital then it was determined I would need a spinal or go under to be repaired. We chose to have a spinal.

As you can imagine after having a natural birth I was rather emotional about having to have a spinal and be in the hospital, but our on call doctor was fabulous and my midwife did stay with us which was great.

Stayed the night in the hospital and Clairana stayed with Levi's parents for the first time overnight. I think she woke up seven times. We were released from the hospital on Sunday morning with instructions that I would not pick up anything more than 10 lbs for three weeks and a liquid/soft diet.

We are home! Look how great this man looks with two babies.

Clairana past out on our way to the doctor's office.

Nephi on our way to the doctor's office.

She did her hair!

The first picture, unfortunately in the hospital and ooh we look great after a long day/night.

I love this little girl she is growing up so fast and getting such a great personality!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Finnegan & Clairana

These two just adore eachother, Finn just became a big brother so we went to visit and as you can see Clair kept grabbing Finn and loving on him. It is so nice that we have friends with children the same age and they actually play together now.

I am really enjoying my time off and having playdates.

Canoe Trip

Since baby Nephi has not arrived we decided that maybe we should take a canoe ride yesterday. We are actually able to canoe/kayak right on Terri & Destry's property!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Tree Farm

This weekend we went with Terri & Destry to breakfast and the Twin Sisters Christmas Tree Farm!

We have been blessed lately with sunshine and temperatures in the high 40s - the weather was perfect for our day out.

*Finished the trip with candy canes and apple cider ooh and of course a tree!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

All Warm & Cozy

Well no little man yet, he is just too warm and cozy. We will keep you posted hopefully soon!

Monday is his due date.