Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sick Family

Sorry for being gone for so long but our house has been down and out lately.... post to come soon.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hoosier at Heart

Thanks to Auntie Lisa we have our FIRST Jersey and of course it is THE COLTS!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sour Tooth

Yesterday morning, I was putting together our dinner for that night and had cut up a lemon. Now after using half of the lemon, I looked all over to find the other half???? After giving up and cutting another lemon I finished putting dinner in the crockpot. I walked into the bathroom (to make funny faces at Clair-she is in the K-Tan) and guess what... she had eaten the other half!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Duncan & Clairana

Here are some quick shots of Duncan & Clairana enjoying some tummy time together! The bassets are really starting to enjoy her. She has started to purposely drop her food from the kitchen table for them.

It has arrived!

Last night, as I was feeding Clairana she stopped climbed up to my face and proceeded to gum my chin. She does this all the time - most people see it and think 'awwh she is giving you kisses' nope just a chew toy. Anyways, after she did this I realized....... it was awfully sharp. Ladies and Gentlemen we have our FIRST TOOTH! Bottom right.... At this point I can not get a picture but I will soon!

Monday, April 11, 2011


Although she still does not have teeth she has become quite the good gummer. She enjoys anything that she can squeeze in her hand.

Of course she loved trying this corn dog.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


We are trying to encourage the crawling, this week we have made great progress.

She is now doing the army crawl or the inchworm.

It is amazing how quickly she can find something and put it in her mouth!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Here she was sucking on her toes while I was trying to pick out her outfit for the day.

By the time I grabbed the camera she had decided to start talking to me instead. I am determined to get a picture of this so stay tuned.....

Friday, April 8, 2011

Our little Climber

During her nap today, I heard the little lady moving around so I thought I would go check on her. She had decided to climb up her mobile and try to hang onto the toys - guess it is time to take this down.

Then after I had busted her she gave me this pitiful look.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Found a New Trail

We ventured to Bellingham to try out a new trail that Levi & Clair had tested out when she was about three months old -they were waiting for me while I had an interview. Look it is Clair Street & Clair Pond! A bridge that looked like it had caught on fire.
I love that she is smiling! We will be going back again this weekend with our BIKES! *Levi was actually with us, I guess he had the camera the whole time.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Results Are In....

We went to see the Naturopath for the nine month check-up (yes, I know a little late) here are the results:

Head - 45 1/4 cm ( 75%)

Length - 29 1/4 (95%)

Weight - 17lbs 12oz (25%)

She did let us know that we should be encouraging crawling rather than walking, we need to use less of the jumperoo and walker and more tummy time. I guess we shouldn't have bragged on how she can pull herself up on things and chase the bassets in her walker.

Here she is on the ride home after the vaccinations - poor baby! Levi got to hold her this time and she did not even cry - I could not believe it!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Nightly Stroll

Have I said how much we LOVE our B.O.B. tonight after dinner, we took a family stroll. As you can see this lady is completely asleep, we even moved her stroller inside without a care in the world.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Goofy pictures from breakfast. She now has figured out how to put her feet on the table - great.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Nosy Lady

After purchasing our bikes we had lunch at a small Mexican restaurant in Fairhaven. Above picture is her trying to check out the people next to us, she is SO sly. Most times when we take her out she pays no attention to us - she loves to flirt with everyone.
There is the happy girl, she LOVES being able to sit in the highchair and have finger foods.


 Nephi's afternoon writing class - which I am subbing for right now brings in a treat each week because who can go without an afternoon ...