Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pappy is here!

We are excited to have Kelly come see us (mostly Clairana)! He made the trip out from Indiana to come be a witness at our temple marriage ceremony. Clair really seems to be enjoying having a new face to give her tons of attention.

As you can see we did the typical treat for our visitor~ CRAB!

She is CRAZY

This lady has completely figured out the walker, she is on the loose....
Today, I busted her in my purse, knocking over a drink on the coffee table, hitting the washer, and trying to eat the plant. I guess we will be on our way to getting safety locks shortly.


Yesterday, Levi and I were able to go to the temple with Clairana. This was a very special day for us as we were able to perform a temple marriage and be sealed to Clairana for all time in eternity.
Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Matthew 18:18

Monday, February 21, 2011

Exciting Phone Call

Yesterday, we got home after church and I checked our voice messages - guess what!!?? It was someone coming to see our house in two hours. So, after freaking out and running around like crazy we had our FIRST showing!

Very exciting/nerve racking/bittersweet

We will keep everyone posted.......

Thursday, February 17, 2011

At the office with Dad

Just woke up....bed head & crazy eyes

As you can see, here in Washington we don't tan we rust.

We may have a problem here.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Play Time

February in Washington, today it was sunny and almost 50 degrees so we headed outside for a walk on the beach and shopping! Clair even got new sunglasses and a play pen. This little girl is really starting to have a personality - life is just getting more and more fun!
She has now started to wave following by a huuh sound - not sure if that is hey or hi or just ironic. She does know how to artch her back when being placed in the carseat-lovely. Oh and for all the people/critics who thought she would be in our bed till she was going to Kindergarten....night three of going to bed at 7:30 in her crib. (Harder on me than on her I am sure)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Waiting for Church

Today, Levi had a Scout meeting before church and because we are a one vehicle household, Clairana and I hung out in the car for about an hour. It is crazy how big she is getting. Eight months old already.

For all the Hoosiers, mark your calendars we will be home for the little lady's FIRST birthday!

This past week was Destry's birthday so Clairana & I baked him a peanut butter pie, she actually dropped her pacifier in this sugar container. Yes, I did let her fish it out and have it - she licked her lips for quite sometime.

Our little Fish

This little girl LOVES the water, as you can see she likes to clean my floor too - (all of the splashing!) At this point, she has been in the bath for about thirty minutes. She is a very happy girl until we attempt to take her out. So..... I thought I would sit in the bathroom and catch up on some blogging.