Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Daddy's Girl

Although she gives him a run for his money, she does love to be rocked to sleep.

*Notice we have moved from the bassinet to the crib but she is still in our room.

Table for Three

In Glacier (small town near our house) on the way up to Mt Baker they have opened up a new restaurant, Chair 9. Seems there is not that many restaurants around us we had to try it out. They serve buffalo, burgers, and pizza. It was actually pretty good...oh and they deliver! We had a great time with awesome service and everyone loved on Clairana- who wouldn't in this adorable outfit!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Toys Toys Toys

With the newest member of our family comes several loud, colorful, and large toys. We have lost about half of our living room to these new objects. Terri bought this new jumper for Clairana last week which she just loves but also shows how big she is getting already.

Hopefully, soon we can start downloading videos for everyone to see.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Room is Complete

I know that Clairana is almost four months old but thanks to everyone we have finished her nursery! Including artwork that Levi and I decided to make seems Pottery Barn was too expensive but hey thanks for the idea. Oh and the little lady is sound asleep in her crib, don't get overly excited yet she still sleeps with us at night.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Stroll

Today, we skipped church and decided to have a family day on the mountain. We took off up the hill and hiked off of mile marker 44 Snoqualmie National Forest. The trees were amazing an although the rain was falling we had a great time. Levi's Estimate: picture with Clairana & I 13 ft diameter and 130 ft tall& picture with Levi & Clairana 9 ft in diameter and 100 ft tall


Saturday morning we volunteered our time to help go door to door with information from the Red Cross with other church members. We were told to either dress in red or white for the big day. Clairana was a trooper and enjoyed seeing all different faces so early in the morning. Here we are with our AMAZING stroller, the B.O.B.

We also got a new play gym which looks obnoxious but she loves it, well and we have officially found our fingers! She now prefers them over the pacifier.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Creatures we eat....

We will definitely miss the fresh seafood that Washington has to offer. Closest thing in Indiana is Red Lobster which does NOT compare. Although getting fresh seafood and cooking it at our house has been a great new experience for all the Hoosiers that have come out to visit...even my mom!

Levi would like you to see how big the ones we had for dinner were....

Don't they look YUMMY!!

Back to Work

Today was my first day home with Clairana after two days of being at work, I think I overwhelmed her. I was SO excited about spending the day playing and enjoying her that she was over it and fell asleep by 9:00 AM. Although, I am not thrilled to be away from her I do feel better knowing that she is with Levi's mom rather than a daycare and I am VERY grateful for that.

Here we are enjoying our day together after she decided we both needed to have a bath....diaper explosion. Look at that cute butt!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's Official

Our adorable cabin we LOVE and have put so much sweat and blood into is now on the market. It will be sad to see it sell but we are also very excited for a new chapter including me staying home with Clairana! Keep your fingers crossed!