Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Oh the Yearly Gator Hunt

Mr. Evans decided that although he enjoyed his gator hunting, this year was a little different because he didn't like being away from his girls.

*Note my husband is the one that needed to have the gator mouth open during the photo shoot.

Trip to Indiana

Well, we have officially introduced Ms. Clairana to everyone in Indiana. It was definitely exhausting flying with an infant alone and I don't know if I will be making that leap again but it was great to show off our bundle of joy.

Thanks to my mom for putting together a great party for Ms. Clairana Colette.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Switchin' to Cloth

Ever since we found out we were pregnant I have been researching diapers. Pretty exciting I know... I thought that once I had figured out breastfeeding I would switch to cloth. Only problem is there are SO many choices and frankly getting started is very expensive... I know in the long run it definitely is better for baby's bum, our pocket book, and the environment. I have been searching on eBay, craigslist and other website to try and find the best deal.

Thanks to Woody (Levi's great Aunt in which Clairana is named after), we have decided to take the leap of faith and purchased bumGenius one size cloth diapers (they have snaps so we can use them till she is done with potty training!)

Sunday Lesson

Today, Levi gave a talk at church regarding 'The Blessings of a Church Membership' he did a wonderful job and touch several people. It is such a joy to have a spouse who knows who his Savior is and uses his strong testimony to teach others. Love you Levi

Picture of Ms. Clair and Daddy after Church, she was ready to eat and take a nap!

Monday, August 2, 2010

2 Mth Check-Up

Today was our first visit to see Michelle Antonich(Naturopathic)at Skagit Natural Family Medicine.

Weight - 9 lbs 14oz (25%)
*Even though she is smaller than normal she continues to grow so there is no concerns

Length - 23.5 (90%) * We may have a Tifni on our hands...

Head - 38.5 cm (50%)

Poor thing got her vaccinations and is now having a nightmare about every 30 minutes...it may be a LONG night.